
کی صورت میں آپ کی مدد کے لیے ہر دم تیار ہیں


کی صورت میں آپ کی مدد کے لیے ہر دم تیار ہیں


کی صورت میں آپ کی مدد کے لیے ہر دم تیار ہیں
About Khoji Dog Center

How we can help you in your emergency situation

Khoji Dog Center trains special dogs to help catch criminals like thieves, robbers, or smugglers, whether it's during the day or at night. If you need more information, please call us, and our team will come to you.
Pointer Dogs
Labrador Dogs
German Shepherd
Years Experience
what we’re offering

Providing best quality services for Emergency Situations.


Khoji Dog Center offers specialized dog services to assist in theft prevention and recovery. Our trained dogs are expert trackers, aiding in the detection and retrieval of stolen property.


Khoji Dog Center offers expert dog services to help in robbery cases. Our trained dogs are skilled at tracking down robbers and locating stolen items.


khoji Dog Center offers expert dog services to aid in homicide investigations. Our trained dogs assist in locating evidence and tracking suspects, contributing to the resolution of murder cases.


Khoji Dog Center helps find people who have been taken away without permission. Our trained dogs are good at finding where they are and helping to bring them back safely.
About Khoji Dog Center Services

Why Choose Khoji Dog Center?

Expert Canine Training

Our dogs undergo rigorous training programs, ensuring they are equipped with advanced tracking skills to handle various security challenges effectively.

Quality Security Solutions

With our dedicated team and efficient procedures, we guarantee a swift response to your security needs, providing timely assistance in critical situations.
our gallery

Khoji Dog Center Gallery

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Khoji Dog Center” provides expertly trained dogs to assist in security operations such as tracking criminals involved in theft, robbery, smuggling, and other unlawful activities.




We Operate in Every City of Pakistan
+92 313 7666018
24/7 hours available